Kitty cat in smelly shop.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Road trip.
This seem to fly past reeeeal fast. They say, when you're
having fun, it flies. But no lehh. Not that i'm having fun
at all...
It's thursday tml and i'll be on my first road trip! I'm
across the Pearl River delta(how they describe this place)
to Guangzhou for a day. And i'm excited about it..
It'll be a day of eating out! Not factory foooood! Whoots!
And also, of course, to go see what that place has to
offer. I hear we're going to this shopping centre, or
optical shopping centre where they sell nothing but
SOrry if whatever i said here sounds boring to you. I
havent been doing alot of exciting things lately. Till
tomorrow then. I got to wake up early.
-on the window ledge, in the dark
This seem to fly past reeeeal fast. They say, when you're
having fun, it flies. But no lehh. Not that i'm having fun
at all...
It's thursday tml and i'll be on my first road trip! I'm
across the Pearl River delta(how they describe this place)
to Guangzhou for a day. And i'm excited about it..
It'll be a day of eating out! Not factory foooood! Whoots!
And also, of course, to go see what that place has to
offer. I hear we're going to this shopping centre, or
optical shopping centre where they sell nothing but
SOrry if whatever i said here sounds boring to you. I
havent been doing alot of exciting things lately. Till
tomorrow then. I got to wake up early.
-on the window ledge, in the dark
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
sparodic scenes of home.
Just about a 10 min drive out, across the border into Shenzhen is a big bustling modernising city. The thing is, it's either a nice condominium like that, or shabby huts and shophouses.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Good morning Sunday! What am i to do today? i Have no idea. The boss seems to be out cuz his car isnt here.
Oh wells. I had a good sleep yesterday cuz i had a happy ending to my saturday. I called back home and seems like everyone's at home. Nice to hear them, ron ethel, kweks, nicks mikes and mommas and dads.
And it also seems that the family night went rather well. I had a bad feeling about it but after praying hard for it in the afternoon leading up to the event, seems like prayer works. =D THank God.
Hanging out on the window ledge on a sunday, is all there is to do.
Oh wells. I had a good sleep yesterday cuz i had a happy ending to my saturday. I called back home and seems like everyone's at home. Nice to hear them, ron ethel, kweks, nicks mikes and mommas and dads.
And it also seems that the family night went rather well. I had a bad feeling about it but after praying hard for it in the afternoon leading up to the event, seems like prayer works. =D THank God.
Hanging out on the window ledge on a sunday, is all there is to do.
Friday, July 24, 2009
a week
God doesnt put you in a place where He cannot take care of you. And this is so true because i am very happy the way things have worked out so far. All glory to God in the highest.
It's been exactly a week now. And everything seems to be falling in place. I'm getting used to the daily routine, chores i have to do to keep myself smellin good as always. In fact, life's better here and healthier than home too-other than the snacks. I wake up early, sometimes eat 4 meals a day, play sports and sleep earlier than normal people do.
Photo: We travel 30km to another town just to play Badminton. :S
It's been great so far, although i'm missing the stuff at home. The people, the sgaporean food(i hear there's the annual Food Festival at home now?), skyscrapers. I miss talking too. But it's a good change that i can get used to.
Photo: We got a big 4kg fish at a restaurant. Used it to cook 5 different fishy dishes. Soup, fried, steamed, claypotted and vegetablized.
So not to worry. I shall not rush this, cuz i know when i get home, it's NOT gonna be easyy too. With army life looming on the frontier.
8 more weeks! Beijing, here i come!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hey hey hey! Today is eclipse day and it seems like the whole world is facisnated. It only lasted for 6mins? Pretty interesting. Everytime i'm in China, I always experience quite a unique natural phenomenon. This time, it's the eclipse. Never seen one, and will never see another one for the rest of my life. Cool!
Note: The picture there is an eclipse! Not a cresent moon at midnight k. It's was 9am in the morning and it's pain to the eyes to take a photograph like that.
Monday, July 20, 2009
oohh i want you oh dont know if i neeed you oh... Listening to savage garden.. lalala..
Annyways, it's that time of the night again, where i sit in my room alone typing out my day's happening. Peacful and soothing music follows.
So what did i do today? Just to sum things up, i've just got my first project. THey need me to redesign their logo! They had me seated down first, showed the bosses my past projects and stuff. And he thought i could help him with the whole image facelift thing.
Oh why not then, i could do that!? easy peasy! And hoooray! I've finally got something to do other than sitting down trying to figure out parts of the glasses in mandarin.
So yea. Best thing that happened today.. OH YA! Fat Lee brought me out to meet uncle andrew and thin Lee who's back from HK. We had Dim Sum! Aww man.. i was telling kevin wee. It gets better everyday. Thank God!
Oh wells.. I've also started reading a book Pauline gave me. 'The Life God Blesses' It's a short book i think. I'll try to finish it up and tell you what it's about! Early night today. Good night!
Annyways, it's that time of the night again, where i sit in my room alone typing out my day's happening. Peacful and soothing music follows.
So what did i do today? Just to sum things up, i've just got my first project. THey need me to redesign their logo! They had me seated down first, showed the bosses my past projects and stuff. And he thought i could help him with the whole image facelift thing.
Oh why not then, i could do that!? easy peasy! And hoooray! I've finally got something to do other than sitting down trying to figure out parts of the glasses in mandarin.
So yea. Best thing that happened today.. OH YA! Fat Lee brought me out to meet uncle andrew and thin Lee who's back from HK. We had Dim Sum! Aww man.. i was telling kevin wee. It gets better everyday. Thank God!
Oh wells.. I've also started reading a book Pauline gave me. 'The Life God Blesses' It's a short book i think. I'll try to finish it up and tell you what it's about! Early night today. Good night!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Longest day thus far.
What another night.. I thought it would be better because of the breeeeze! But the breeze turn out to be a typhoon in the end. The wind created an errie howl throughout the night. And as usual, i couldnt sleep.
What another night.. I thought it would be better because of the breeeeze! But the breeze turn out to be a typhoon in the end. The wind created an errie howl throughout the night. And as usual, i couldnt sleep.
But i guess it wasnt a very bad one cuz i'm still alive. Although lotsa things were messed up in the morning. factory stuff blown everywhere.
Later i took the streets with the lady boss Lu Wen and Mr Fat Lee. We were going on for tea/dinner! We picked up his family, wife and 1 1/2 yr old kid and headed down to LongGang. A very modernised- up market area in Shenzhen. There, we ate KFC in a huge mall filled with ppl. That meal at KFC, was the best thing yet.
We took a stroll around the mall, while i took the chance to soak myself into their culture. Staring at ppl, see how they do their supermarketing, shop for clothes. THey are not half bad.
We then headed back to the Bosses condominum to have a meal, to my surprise. I thought KFC was dinner already. But NO.. there were lots more, duck, veg and more veg, pork, egg and soup. It's was super! I savour these moments as the factory food suck!
while doing some revision back at my living quarters, a bunch of factory girls came over and check out my room. Suddenly, my room was filled with them.. hiaz. So pai seh.. They were laughing at the food i've stocked up.
Well it was a very long eventful day. I ended my day at 12. Instead of the usual 8pm. =D
Saturday, July 18, 2009
the day i thought would go bad, but didnt.
Early morning. What a lousy night that was.. Sweaty hot, i thought the night's temperature's gonna cool. But no, it remained hot.
It was a night not to remember. after 2-3hours of wiping sweat and trying to blindly slap mosquitos away, tumbling about, i decided to turn the aircon on. That was 10-11pm.
And finally, i got to sleep. However, i was again rudely awaken by 2 guys. 1 of them turned out to be bunking in with me, on my first night. Darn it!
So he introduced himself to me, saying he was from Guangzhou. And that's that, with the lights on, i went back to sleep.
I woke up the next morning! Early and on time wanting to catch the 8am factory breakfast timing. A half naked man from from last night sleeps there on the other bed half naked. I showered and got out. quick.
I then headedd down and thank God! I saw Chen Yan(factory girl)! She said, head out to the office, i'll meet you there. So instead of going to the yucky canteen down below, i headed to the office to meet a nice young lady boss. She said, you need to use the internet? I said yess!! DUH!
Ah! after that, she said, ok. Let's go for breakfast, a car's waiting downstairs! WHOO HOO! Out for breakfast! So the half naked guy who turned out to be one of the bosses clients was in the car together with him.
We headed to the condo eateries. sat down quite a nice place and i ordered noodle, which turned out to be maggi noodles! and the rest had western food. Awkward cuz they were speaking GuangDong hua-cantonese and i dont understand a word. But what the heck.. i'm eating my noodles! AWesome! Then came uncle Andrew to the rescue! And later joined us was other other Lee shian shen.
Jumped back into the Odessey and we all headed back to the factory. The bosses were in this time. One of them gave me a tour of the factory in Chinese. All the terms, i dont understand. (I will draw a picture and ask them to list the parts in chinese)
After this, to my suprise, we were going for a ride down town to send off the other Lee Boss (i will differentiate them - thin lee, fat lee) back to HK. He goes back every weekend to be with his children. After which, we ended up in HUGE DIY warehouse thing to buy some stuff. Paint, shower curtains.
Then then went to LuoHu to send thin Lee home. We headed back factory-wards only to have lunch with uncle Andrew. After that i had to buy some stuff at the supermart. cookies and water. He bought 2 packets of cigerettes - 13rmb. Mad cheap!
I then took a ride from a private cab back to the Factory. Put my stuff down and thought. Should i go sleep? or go to the office? And of course, God let me choose the right one- to go back to the office. Once again, i met Chen Yan. She said, your table's ready! go back to the office and i'll get it ready for you. And of course, it was, internet was setup but i felt kinda bad cuz of the girls had to move out to make space for me. =(
6pm - Dinner time! 2 girls showed me the proper way to dine with them. Bowl, wash and wet your feet, take a dish. And start to eat. Dont finish your food. And say bye bye!
I stayed awhile longer cuz i asked for more meat! and i had to dine with Fat Lee this time. He talked to me and i tried to understand. It didnt go that bad! haha..
I'm back in the room now.. typing this and getting ready to sleep. good night! I shall not count how many days left! I shall, by God's strength enjoy every single day God has blessed me with. I love you all.
It was a night not to remember. after 2-3hours of wiping sweat and trying to blindly slap mosquitos away, tumbling about, i decided to turn the aircon on. That was 10-11pm.
And finally, i got to sleep. However, i was again rudely awaken by 2 guys. 1 of them turned out to be bunking in with me, on my first night. Darn it!
So he introduced himself to me, saying he was from Guangzhou. And that's that, with the lights on, i went back to sleep.
I woke up the next morning! Early and on time wanting to catch the 8am factory breakfast timing. A half naked man from from last night sleeps there on the other bed half naked. I showered and got out. quick.
I then headedd down and thank God! I saw Chen Yan(factory girl)! She said, head out to the office, i'll meet you there. So instead of going to the yucky canteen down below, i headed to the office to meet a nice young lady boss. She said, you need to use the internet? I said yess!! DUH!
Ah! after that, she said, ok. Let's go for breakfast, a car's waiting downstairs! WHOO HOO! Out for breakfast! So the half naked guy who turned out to be one of the bosses clients was in the car together with him.
We headed to the condo eateries. sat down quite a nice place and i ordered noodle, which turned out to be maggi noodles! and the rest had western food. Awkward cuz they were speaking GuangDong hua-cantonese and i dont understand a word. But what the heck.. i'm eating my noodles! AWesome! Then came uncle Andrew to the rescue! And later joined us was other other Lee shian shen.
Jumped back into the Odessey and we all headed back to the factory. The bosses were in this time. One of them gave me a tour of the factory in Chinese. All the terms, i dont understand. (I will draw a picture and ask them to list the parts in chinese)
After this, to my suprise, we were going for a ride down town to send off the other Lee Boss (i will differentiate them - thin lee, fat lee) back to HK. He goes back every weekend to be with his children. After which, we ended up in HUGE DIY warehouse thing to buy some stuff. Paint, shower curtains.
Then then went to LuoHu to send thin Lee home. We headed back factory-wards only to have lunch with uncle Andrew. After that i had to buy some stuff at the supermart. cookies and water. He bought 2 packets of cigerettes - 13rmb. Mad cheap!
I then took a ride from a private cab back to the Factory. Put my stuff down and thought. Should i go sleep? or go to the office? And of course, God let me choose the right one- to go back to the office. Once again, i met Chen Yan. She said, your table's ready! go back to the office and i'll get it ready for you. And of course, it was, internet was setup but i felt kinda bad cuz of the girls had to move out to make space for me. =(
6pm - Dinner time! 2 girls showed me the proper way to dine with them. Bowl, wash and wet your feet, take a dish. And start to eat. Dont finish your food. And say bye bye!
I stayed awhile longer cuz i asked for more meat! and i had to dine with Fat Lee this time. He talked to me and i tried to understand. It didnt go that bad! haha..
I'm back in the room now.. typing this and getting ready to sleep. good night! I shall not count how many days left! I shall, by God's strength enjoy every single day God has blessed me with. I love you all.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Upon arrival...
hello everyone. It hasnt been a rollercoaster first day. It's been just plain ol introduction.
Shenzhen is all industrial. streets turned dusty cuz of those big trailer trucks picking up the dirt. There's nothing here, really. Maybe i havent been to the city yet.
I'm here in the guest room. The guestroom is like a living quarter. It's like a 1 room HDB. Not atahs at all. An entire family just lives in the next room. It's a pretty big room i must say, cuz i'm living alone. 4 beds, a washroom, a TV and an aircon that's not really functioning. BAD cuz of the hot humid weather. It's way hotter here. Eugh. SUmmer heat is killin!
I must say, it's gonna get tough here. It's not holiday-ish. I havent taken a single shot on my camera cuz. There's nothing that really interests me.
I'm Getting to know people around. Although i have already forgotten their names. It's just impossible to rememeber all their names, especially cuz their names are in Chinese. I think i'm facing a bit of problem with the language. They look at me blankly, i look at them back. It's really not looking so good.
However, the most interesting part of today was the uncle andrew bringing me on the tour of the production line. Looking at how frames are made from the very beginning. It's i think the coolest.
When we drove into the factory, it isnt what you'll imagine it is. No smoking chimneys, big barrels. It's just a pink building. 4-5 stories high. The real majic happens inside, where you see people and machines working. Tell you more another day. I'm tired, sleepy and lonely.
The shower is the awesomest thing here. On this friggin hot day. good night! I'm going to sleep. -1922hrs.
Shenzhen is all industrial. streets turned dusty cuz of those big trailer trucks picking up the dirt. There's nothing here, really. Maybe i havent been to the city yet.
I'm here in the guest room. The guestroom is like a living quarter. It's like a 1 room HDB. Not atahs at all. An entire family just lives in the next room. It's a pretty big room i must say, cuz i'm living alone. 4 beds, a washroom, a TV and an aircon that's not really functioning. BAD cuz of the hot humid weather. It's way hotter here. Eugh. SUmmer heat is killin!
I must say, it's gonna get tough here. It's not holiday-ish. I havent taken a single shot on my camera cuz. There's nothing that really interests me.
I'm Getting to know people around. Although i have already forgotten their names. It's just impossible to rememeber all their names, especially cuz their names are in Chinese. I think i'm facing a bit of problem with the language. They look at me blankly, i look at them back. It's really not looking so good.
However, the most interesting part of today was the uncle andrew bringing me on the tour of the production line. Looking at how frames are made from the very beginning. It's i think the coolest.
When we drove into the factory, it isnt what you'll imagine it is. No smoking chimneys, big barrels. It's just a pink building. 4-5 stories high. The real majic happens inside, where you see people and machines working. Tell you more another day. I'm tired, sleepy and lonely.
The shower is the awesomest thing here. On this friggin hot day. good night! I'm going to sleep. -1922hrs.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
DAY 0:

Hello everyone. I'm off to this place, called Shenzhen. It's in China, a short train ride north from HK.
I'm really angsty, excited and scared now. I just dont know what to expect. Will there be internet? Where will I be staying? Are the people nice? What am i gonna do? The list goes on.
God, go before me now. I'll see you there.
i fly fly fly away! See you all in 70days. I'll miss you all.
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